So my biggest difficulty right now other then the fatigue, and the tiredness anf the exhaustion that the smallest action causes (did I mention I tire easily?) is managing timing around my medications and meals. Seem to be able to handle up to lunch & the 1 pm meds but then lose it after that. It seems to be the whole organization thing.
Anyway, I had my second visit from my personal support worker today. She helps with things like bathing and some light housework. In trying to be organized I said to p okay I need towels, soap, etc in the kitchen. So after prompting once more that was done. Well, what about clothes? I need to get dressed after cleaning up. Oh, okay. Here are some clothes. So that wasn't so bad - I was just trying to make sure things were set up so that we could make best possible use of time and maybe get S, the PSW, to do some other stuff because it is as time permits, like change the sheets on my bed. All to p's benefit - one less thing for him to do. Well of course didn't think to have that stuff ready. Had to chase p down via phone (in the house!) & ask for sheets. So he brought the sheets and heads back up again to again start his nap. S gets bed made. No pillowcases. Okay. Would you not assume that if you are changing the sheets on a bed you are also going to be changing the pillowcases? Ummmmmm.......
And of course, couldn't get hold via phone so then had to get S to yell up the stairs.....
There's more to the organization story then I've outlined but you get the gist right?
So tonight I felt completely crappy because of eating late and not following pill schedule and I don't know how to address it. Don't want to nag because p is so amazing & generous as a caregiver, friend, partner, lover it feels petty. But at the same time it is crucial.
Argh - so here I am at 5 am in the morning not having slept at all essentially because we can't get our act together to eat meals before 6 pm.
I know organization & schedules have always been no big deal & in some ways anathema even for me. I am more a play it by ear person by natural inclination but it's just not working for me right now. I need that schedule. And I actually think p would feel better for it as well himself.
I really hope I am not simply being petty and overreacting on this.... Still don't know how we are going to resolve this as we have had this conversation not just several but many times....