Monday, March 10, 2008


What's with the repeating dreams anyway? All my life I have had dreams that repeat over and over and over again.

There is the I'm back at school and don't know what day it is (my high school had a four day schedule) and can't find my time table not that would help. I'm running around trying to guess which classroom I should be in and hoping I can tell by who is in the class. Oh, and I've missed half the day already..

a variation on the above which includes the parts as describes as above: I'm in high school taking the courses I never took in grade 13 such as math (actually it is only ever math) and I'm failing miserably. However, I have already gone to university and obtained a masters degree. The rationale in being back in high school?? Something about taking courses I should have taken then and getting better marks... The weird thing is that my classmates are ones I actually did go to high school with


I desperately need to go to the bathroom and every single toilet has an issue. Either the water in it is right up to the edge of the seat so if I sit I'm in the water - or there is no door on the stall or the floor is digusting. Last night I dreamt I was working in a coffee shop and needed to go to the loo and the ones available in the mall were as above so my co-worker takes me across the street (surprisingly which is Yonge Street) into a music store (kind of Long and McQuade's style) and we go down the stairs to the second part of the store and she points to a door which leads down yet another set of stairs to the store's private bathroom. Somehow it's okay to use it. So I go down to discover the toilet is a hole in the ground (complete with a toilet seat).... oh and the other variation on the toilet too full, doesn't have door, floor is disgusting is that I'm naked.


I'm chewing bubblegum which I want to spit out and it won't go. So I'm pulling wads and wads and wads of bubblegum with both my hands out of my mouth and its neverending....

There are others but those seem to be the most common....

of course there was the one when I was in my early teens (and no longer living at that house) where I am being chased through our house on Mandarin Crescent by a huge snake. The dream always culminated in my standing on top of the kitchen table surrounded by thousands of snakes (or at least the big giant one that had been chasing me)

I came to a conclusion as to what that dream was about but perhaps I get into that in some other post.....

They are just a kind of mind numbingly mundane stressful dream that when you are in them you can't get out....

1 comment:

Canada said...

I'm betting you just LOVED the first Indiana Jones movie with the snakes, huh?

I love the high school dreams - I used to have them all the time. I also used to have flying dreams all the time. I miss those.