Tuesday, March 25, 2008

She's a he!

About a month ago, Jessica, our second rabbit who we inherited from my former manager (he needed to find a home for her and had been trying for 6 months because his wife after becoming pregnant developed severe allergies and he didn't want to keep her in the garage - he would go home every day and play with her for an hour or so in the garage) had to go to the vet because she was drooling due to molar spurs on her teeth. She was having difficulty eating and was obviously a little uncomfortable.

We got the appointment and p took her in. The vet looked her over, checked out her teeth and said yup, she's got molar spurs got to saw them off. He finished doing a complete examination as he had never seen her before and after completing looked up at p and said - she's a he!!!

Go figure, we had her I mean him for two years and R had her for two before that. We never checked because we had Bunka fixed - cheaper to do a male then a female and we were sure he was a male if only from all the times he had chased p to a chair and then ran around the chair trying to get at him to grab his leg and .... (well you figure it out!) Picture p standing on a chair trying to talk to someone important (like a politician) and a rabbit running circles around the chair, humming and trying to get at him!!! Too funny!

Now we now why Jessica, I mean Jesse was constantly mounting Bunka - it wasn't because she/he was frustrated and trying to teach Bunka about the birds and the bees at all!! And we could have saved ourselves the neutering fee!.

Well, not really - it was worth it because Bunka stopped attacking p all the time and stopped spraying (which he would do when he was running wildly around p trying to mate with him!!)

Here they are the little rotters I mean sweetums

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