Monday, November 26, 2007

I don't like Mondays....

Sigh... well I am still fighting this cold which has gotten much worse. p is still quite ill with it as well. Saturday we went up to Barrie for the family get-together which was a lot of fun. Had a good gab with Michael, Claudia, young Michael, a little with Max, and John and great Aunt Nancy. MJ brought a tonne of pictures that had been moldering in Mary and Joan's garage. Awesome! Mum has a picture of the original Nanna now (Dad's Nanna). Wow she was really pretty. I've asked Dad to scan it for me because I want to get back into the the family tree. I might even pay for the subscription now the finances are flowing a little better. I need to email Michael because he has tonnes of information that we can use to update the family tree. Actually I need to log into the website and find out how to let him get into it. I think I gave Dad privileges so I ought to be able to give him privileges.
The conversation I had with Claudia was excellent. She's an art therapist - segue, there are a lot of really excellent artists in my family -- Bill, MJ, Claudia and of course several musicians. --- and we had some really great conversation around a myriad of topics including mindfulness meditation, my frustration at being so physically weak and she was telling me about some of her clients. She also told me her philosophy about being an artist which is that anyone can learn to draw etc but just because one is technically good doesn't mean the art really lives and breathes. It has to do with finding a way to connect your heart and soul to the art and letting it be expressed. Which is interesting because it echoes something something I've learned about music. Which is you can be technically note perfect, but not musical. You can be less then note-perfect but incredibly musical. Words are hard to use to explain this but I know until I started studying with B and really really focusing I didn't know how to be musical. It's like the difference between a computer program reading something and a human reading it expressively.

Licorice is doing better. He's putting on some weight. He's become quite the demanding little tyrant! Every two hours he's wheeking and asking for food! All through the night! And he doesn't shut up until he gets it. At one point, he was in bed with us snuggled in his towels, and suddenly p says where did he go? He had launched himself out of the towel cave and was trotting across the pillows to p's head! He's such a sweet little guy. Totally unphazed by anything, even the dogs at Mum and Dad's Saturday nite! He's so funny to watch running around as he gives these little hops and jumps as he gallops away!

I do feel absolutely miserable. Better then yesterday though. It's so hard to get up in the mornings and on a Monday to boot without feeling miserable. It's partly my own fault, I never even thought to warn G and I about my immunity. And ironically, p's been the sickest. But it's because the rest of my friends are so good about letting us know if they have anything communicable that I didn't think about saying anything. I guess I was taking it for granted. But G and I aren't used to the notion with me so of course wouldn't have even thought of it. I think I'll just wait until the next time we plan to get together and I'll bring it up then. There's no point in making them feel bad now that the cow's out of the field so to speak!

Enough for now, must go and do some work. Or at least try..... stream of consciousness is much easier then focused work!!

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