Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's Thursday and I wish it were Friday

Worked from home yesterday. G and her family came for dinner on Saturday. It's the first time I've seen her since our wedding and I didn't really get to talk to her at it. It had been ages really. We had a good time catching up and it was nice to meet her I properly instead of at the wedding! Her boys are pretty cute too. Except that I didn't think to warn her that I am susceptible to colds etc. The first thing they announced when they got there was that one of the two boys was sick.
Strangely p has it worse then me. I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to be sicker. I've re-scheduled my IV-IVG for Saturday so that should help.
Licorice is doing okay. He went to the vet on Wednesday because we were worried because his only lower front tooth had broken off and left a stump. Good news is that he's not losing bone mass in his jaw - phew! But his molars are growing in over his tongue. Sigh. So it's back to the vet next week to get them trimmed again. Hopefully he'll start eating again the way he was for a few days. The vet didn't charge us for the visit yesterday either which was awesome. He is such an amazing vet!

I'm feeling crappy today. Probably because of the cold. My shoulders are achey and I'm kind of feeling spaced out. I went for walkies with T today (the second time this week) and just couldn't maintain the pace I have been walking at on previous days. And that's despite being inside and doing the loop de loop at the mall. She helped me carry back my provisions from the Dominion and I realized it was a good thing because it would have been exhausting for me to do so. It wasn't that much - just a couple of bags, but I guess my lungs are weaker today because of the congestion. Sucks - I can feel it rattling and I can't cough it up and I keep sneezing. But again, I'm not as bad as p who has lost his voice practically and is very weebly.

So, my mum is holding a get-together for my Dad's side of the clan. They are all going to Barrie on the 24th. She called me a couple of weeks ago to ask me because of course she was asking my brother. Now, I wasn't happy about it - but I said yes I'll be there and I'll try to behave myself. On Monday I had this great long conversation with Dad as I had called from work because Mum had tried to get a hold of me several times over the weekend. It's great when he's home alone, we have some of the best chats. At any rate, I asked him who was coming to the get-together and said well all of the cousins etc. So I had to ask, is D coming?? Dad said no, he's not. And I said, is it because of me? Dad said yes. Then he said Mum is kicking herself because she didn't think to say before she hung up that gee that's tood bad because K (meaning me) didn't have any problem with coming!! I told Dad I was sorry about it. He said it's obvious D hasn't gotten past what caused the whole kerfuffle before our wedding.

The good thing is that Dad doesn't expect me to do anything more then I already have done. Mum on the other hand, would love it if I would say "sorry". She forgets I have already done so, and forgiveness for D entails me crawling on my knees and grovelling and taking all the same shit as I have all my life from him.

1 comment:

Canada said...

I hope you're feeling better now. How is P doing? And there is no way that you should grovel. D needs to grow up - he's way past due!!!!