Monday, March 17, 2008


Today's horrendscopes sent to me by p...

Funny Shiny Thing in Sky in Field of Funny Shiny Things (source)

Gemini (May 21 — June 21)
You've got your nose to the grindstone. So much so, that your energy and vitality is being consumed. Raise your head this week and look around. Opportunity is in the air.

Round Atlas and Postal (source)

Gemini (May 21 — June 21)
It's quite natural that you are anxious about a task of some kind but you must not let it get to you to such an extent that it paralyses your ability to think or to act. Others can panic if they wish but you must stay calm and make the best of a challenging situation. Great things are expected of you.

It's freaky how sometimes they are dead on. I hope they are.

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