Friday, September 26, 2008

The real thing...

Last night we stayed in town at L and C's place - to avoid the drive back to Hammy-town. It's been brutal ever since the election was called (although strangely enough we are spending quite as long hours at the HQ - it's more to do with the drive and me working...) L & C were just back recently from a visit to the US for the second part of youngest son's wedding and a tour. They brought back the real thing! and in glass bottles even. Wow does it taste good - so much better then the crap here. Apparently they bought a case which came from Mexico where they still use cane sugar and the original recipe - L is allergic to corn and can't drink the North American variety. What am I rambling on about you ask? This:

The origignal real coke - in a glass bottle - the kind you used to get from the vending machines as a single serving. Yeah!!
And, while off topic, I simply must share this button - it's too good not to. I've been sharing it everywhere else, why not here?

And I must complain about one thing - yesterday I had a set of PFTs and saw Dr. C. Who put me back on prednisone for three weeks. SUCKS to be me. I've lost a lot more lung function, and he's hoping that the prednisone will settle any inflammation - even before I got sick with pneumonia I had lost another 20% function - not good. So here's hoping I can regain some.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Last Couple of Weeks in Review

  1. No I did not get the job.
  2. There is another posting for which I need to apply.
  3. Sylvester has kidney disease - not happy. Only good thing is we caught it early. He is 16 after all.
  4. Surprises left right and center on the political venue.
  5. I am not sleeping well at all. Many pains in hands, feets and assorted other bodily places. Happening during the day now.
  6. Bought p a snowblower - he is very happy. Also really good shovel and fork from Lee Valley Tools. The shovel slices through sod like it's butter!!!! His birthday and Christmas presents for this year and maybe next done!!!
  7. Mum and Dad's 45th wedding anniversary last weekend (August 31)
  8. Chetters is very cute and sweet.
  9. I miss Licorice very much.
  10. I miss Thistle too.
  11. I don't want to lose Vester...
  12. Worried a little about my Mum - she's been tired for the last two weeks.
  13. Front garden is beginning to look really amazing.
  14. I really should get my butt in gear and upload my digitial photos. On the bright side, p fixed my computer - so I can get caught up on that and the webpage I've been promising for a LONG time.
  15. I am sad it is September. I want summer to last forever.