Friday, September 26, 2008

The real thing...

Last night we stayed in town at L and C's place - to avoid the drive back to Hammy-town. It's been brutal ever since the election was called (although strangely enough we are spending quite as long hours at the HQ - it's more to do with the drive and me working...) L & C were just back recently from a visit to the US for the second part of youngest son's wedding and a tour. They brought back the real thing! and in glass bottles even. Wow does it taste good - so much better then the crap here. Apparently they bought a case which came from Mexico where they still use cane sugar and the original recipe - L is allergic to corn and can't drink the North American variety. What am I rambling on about you ask? This:

The origignal real coke - in a glass bottle - the kind you used to get from the vending machines as a single serving. Yeah!!
And, while off topic, I simply must share this button - it's too good not to. I've been sharing it everywhere else, why not here?

And I must complain about one thing - yesterday I had a set of PFTs and saw Dr. C. Who put me back on prednisone for three weeks. SUCKS to be me. I've lost a lot more lung function, and he's hoping that the prednisone will settle any inflammation - even before I got sick with pneumonia I had lost another 20% function - not good. So here's hoping I can regain some.

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