Monday, September 17, 2007

For M - A poem to a god-daughter from her god-dad/sun

Babies get attention cauz they're cute
Babies get attention cauz they can't change themselves
Babies get attention cauz, if you are not looking, they might hurt themselves.
Babies get attention cauz they're too short to reach the milk and, if they try, they spill everything everywhere and it's not their fault but it's you thats gotta clean it up so's you might as well pay attention and avoid the mess and they're cute.

You can't always take babies to movies.
You can't always take babies to the zoo, or swimming or to play baseball, fly a kite, make a telescope to look through and watch the stars or a microscope to see tiny little swimmers, or hairs, or a leaf, or butterfly dust.
Then there is the ballet, the horse show, the real wood doll house store with giant doll houses that are too expensive to own but fun to look at.
And, all the other fun things to see and do that take patience, attention, and concentration to enjoy.

from one of your God Daddiesand your god son -- or is that sun

P.S. Babies make lousy Pirates -- they are too cute and people confronting a pirate baby don't scream as they should, or run, or hide. Instead they make yucky cooing noises and stick their big hairy faces near the pirate baby's faces and only scream when bitten on the nose.

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