Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's Tuesday but might as well be a Monday

My mum sent me an email this morning asking me to call her asap as she couldn't find my work number. I honestly didn't think anything about it. I did call her right away as soon as I saw the email message (almost right away). My Aunt J, my Mum's sister died this morning.

We knew it was coming. She's been quite ill, getting progressively worse. I guess I just secretly thought she might pull a fast one on us and make it through this as well. After all, practically everyone had given up on her (except for my Mum) during the bad part post liver transplant when she almost died. But, she was apparently in a coma-like state the last day or so. The last time Mum called which was a few days ago, she couldn't talk to her because she wasn't capable of holding a conversation. Apparently, J, her youngest, visiting from Aussie land for the month, had slipped in at 4 am to give her her meds. At 8 am, when she slipped in to give her next dose, she had slipped away.

Stubborn to the last - even though they had brought a hospital bed in and talked my aunt into installing it into her bedroom instead of the living room as she had planned - indeed even moved the living furniture around months ago to accommodate this - she refused to sleep in it and instead slept in my Uncle's bed.

I guess the things I'm grateful for are: my mum was able to go and help her before J and J arrived from Oz; J and J were there from Oz as well as the rest of the family who live nearby (ish) and finally, that she doesn't have to feel any pain anymore. Now it's just us who are left behind to feel sad or whatever it is they feel.

I don't know if my brother knows yet. Mum had tried to get a hold of him and left a message apparently. I wonder how he will feel?

I have a tune going through my head - an HT hymn - Long, before she wrapped her flowing arms ....

It seems appropo.

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