Monday, July 21, 2008

Oops - it's been a while

Well, my absence, noted by few, had a legitimate cause. May 1 was the Police concert in Kanata at the ScotiaPlace (or whatever it's called). Canada was thrilled - she didn't realized when I said I got 12th row tickets that I meant 12th row floors. Got some great pics - go figure - they are on Canada's site - not mine! Elvis rocked and the Police, well...... it was worth the money. Well worth.

So, Friday was my Aunt's funeral. It was nice - very well-attended and I accompanied the organist during the hymns with flute. People seemed to like it. The reception was interesting - my dad commented that he was watching my brother/his wife and I circling round the room deftly avoiding one another. I did talk to my nephew and niece which was really wonderful. I do miss them. N is going into grade 9 this year!!! Wow!

During the reception at my Uncle's house I started coughing and could not stop. I'd been sick off and on all winter. Felt really rotten, but got back to Canada's and took it easy. Oh, and I had to take a vacation day because our car broke down on the way and the VW in Bells Corners couldn't fix it till the Monday. So I drove most of the way (possibly all - can't remember it was so long ago) home. The plan was to go to work the next day, but I woke up feeling like HELL. So I called in sick. Spiked a fever in the afternoon. Usual routine. Called NP at PMH, was told to go to emerg. Went to St. Joe's After Hours and they took a look at me at the triage and said, you should be going to emergency - why did you come here? They took me in - ran blood tests yada yada, chest x-ray, and said I had pneumonia. They transferred me via ambulance to St. Joe's Hospital. Gave me oxygen in the ambulance which was a relief because I was having major difficulty breathing. Stayed in emergency from Tuesday evening until Wednesday night because despite them telling the After Hours place they had a bed - they didn't really. Anyway, spent three days in hospital, they released me on the Friday - but only because a) didn't want to keep me in hospital when it was a weekend and no tests planned and people get sicker in hospitals and b) I was to go and see Jeff on the Monday or Tuesday.

Well, I was off for two months. Started back at work the day after Canada day.

That's it for this infomatic blog - other adventures to tell of are the Wii Fit board purchase during this time. Also to come, adventures with P's sister C visiting from Bolivia, via Mexico. Can you say Google Translate?!

1 comment:

Canada said...

I'm very glad you're back in the blogosphere. And even more glad that you're all recovered!