Monday, April 07, 2008

Thursday at PMH

I had PFTs, I saw Dr. C, I had bloodwork and I saw Dr. L.

I have about 10% less lung function - gee I guess that explains the shortness of breath that I have been experiencing lately. So, I'm now taking a two week course of antibiotics because Dr. C and I both agreed that the continual PND isn't helping by filling up my lungs with all sorts of crap. So I have residual sinustis infection. He also prescribed Singulair - so on top of Advair and Spiriva I have that as well. I really really really hope it works. It sucks being short of breath - not to mention I don't even want to think about playing flute - which needs some maintenance before I can even go there as well.

I think the antibiotics just may be kicking in. I seem to have less PND and crusties in the morning. No huge chunks of goo going down the back of my throat the last couple of days either - knock on wood. (sorry for the extreme graphic description) As for lung capacity, that remains to be seen. TM is back at work and we resume our noon walkies so that should help. Not sure I'm ready to go back outside though because any hint of cool/cold air my lungs seize up even more.

On to the blood work and Dr. L. Apparently my haemoglobin is low as well as my iron and B12. Dr. L wants me back in a month (as does Dr. C) to check up on that. I guess if they are still low I will have to add B12 shots to my regimen. Gosh I hope not. It's hard enough as it is right now justifying my time at the doctors to work. Corp is definitely not as accomodating as little ole subsidiary is. Go figure. Backwoods country cousins are more progressive then big city sophisticated corporation!

We bought a Wii console last week. Man those are hard to come by. I started looking on the Friday. Must have called a dozen stores as well as different locations for each of those stores. I called many Circuit Cities, Future Shop, Best Buy - looked online at Amazon, Best Buy, Future Shop, (which for future reference is computers and parts only), Canada Computes etc etc. Then Saturday we went to local stores because I had called mostly Toronto stores with the exception of Circuit City where I called both Toronto and Hamilton. We went to Future Shop, Best Buy, EB Games, Zellers.... it was the same story everywhere. "We can't keep them in stock and we only get a few consoles at a time. Basically it was call before you come and if you're lucky and we have gotten some they might still be in stock when you arrive to buy. And no, we can't put them on hold. So I was "whining" about this to my manager who said did you try the store up the street (from where we work). It's called Gamerama. I thought to myself, well, not likely but what the heck. What's one more phone call?

Lo and behold, they not only had one Wii console they had two! It cost a little extra - console was $20 more, plus they "insist" you buy extra stuff to make up for the fact that they were able to have one in stock (huh? what?). I was going to buy extra remotes anyway. I bought a second numchuk, a second Wii remote which came with nine games (which by the way are entirely lame and I don't recommend them unless you like the idea of games that train you on each action of the Wii remote and numchuk. Although, the game where you ride a cow at scarecrows to knock them down and also have to jump fences was mildly entertaining - and I bought Zelda. Woo, can't get past the first bit in that game so far. I want to get to the sword-fighting where you actually get to physically move around! The Wii sports games the console comes with are a lot of fun. S and her daughter S and S (mother)'s new boyfriend C came over Saturday, and daughter S was thrilled with the Wii. She's 7 so usually gets bored really quickly!

Anyway, our excuse for splurging on the Wii was that I need to do something that gets me moving around and there's not a lot of motivation to use the treadmill (ugh another expensive purchase that I darn well better start using once I get a little more a) stamina and b) lung power. Let me tell you, no fooling, the Wii is a great workout! I think the most strenuous workout comes from the boxing - yikes! I was sweating! Good cardio too. And apparently Wii is coming out with a balance board. You can surf, skateboard, do yoga and a bunch of other things.

Then there is the dance mat - must get. Can't get right now - too much money spent on Wii console!!!!

My arms are really really sore. Some of it's from the raking I did in the yard yesterday, but most of it's from the Wii. Best of all, p will actually play with me. He generally hates games: especially cards, board games and so on. It's like pulling teeth to try and get h im to play. But he likes the Wii, because it is active.

Anyway, off to do some work.

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